Upcoming Dates
Currently accepting invitations for Fall 2022
Past Events
2021 Intersectionality and Me: The Intersections of Anti-Blackness and Misogyny and Homophobia. Verizon WOW Series 2021, Verizon Wireless.
2021 Beyond Stonewall: How DC Shifted the Nature of Pride, Smithsonian Museum. Smithsonian Associates, Washington, DC.
2021 The Allyship Challenge: Intersections of Anti-Blackness and Misogyny and Homophobia. Allyship Series, Diageo.
2021 The Blacker the Berry: Colorism and American Public Life. Seton Speaks: Lecture, Elizabeth Seton High.
2020 Queen Bey and Black Feminist Thought. Black in Space, Makers Lab.
2020 Being an Ally in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter: Demystifying Allyship in the Struggle Against Anti-Blackness. Allyship Series, Diageo.
2020 The Roots of the Current Moment: Understanding #BLACKLIVESMATTER, Anti-Blackness, and Anti-Racism in the United States. Collage Group.
2019 “Let’s All Come Together”: Black LGBT Pride and Celebrations of Black LGBT Life in Washington, DC. Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Spring Evening Program. Georgetown Day School, Washington, DC
2019 An Evening with BOOMscat. Conversation with the artists. American University, Washington, DC
2019 Pride and Prejudice: Navigating In/Visibility in Black and Queer Social Spaces in DC. Allied in Pride and Black Heritage Celebration Committee, George Washington University, Washington, DC
2018 The Ethnography of Ratchet: A Public Lecture. Women and Gender Studies Program at the George Washington University, Washington, DC
2018 Cultivating Your Professional Presence. International Development MA Program, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
2018 Beyond #Woke: A Practical Guide for Conscious Culture Consumption. Delta Phi Epsilon American University, Washington, DC
2018 “Making Your Research Public” Faculty Development Week. Office of Faculty Development, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC
2017 Putting Stories to Work in Sexual Health and Social Justice: Pro Tips from an Ethnographer. Annual Meeting, National Coalition of STD Directors, Arlington, VA.
2017Beyoncé and Contemporary Black Feminist Thought: Practical Lessons in Drinking Lemonade. American Studies Program, American University, Washington, DC.
2017Art and Ideas: Dr. Nikki Lane — Black Women Queering the Mic: Missy Elliott Disturbing the Boundaries of Racialized Gender and Sexuality. MOCA Jacksonville. Jacksonville, FL.
2017 Beyoncé and Black Feminist Thought: A Practical Lesson in Conscious Culture Consumption. Gender Studies Program. Whitman College. Walla Walla, WA.
2016 “Hey Girl, You Back From Vacation?”: Belonging, Being, and Living in Tangerine. Invited speaker for the Scholars Program in Culture and Communication Symposium on Discourses in Action. Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
2015 Will You Be My N**** @ Prom: Post “Post-Racial” Racism and American Popular Culture. Special invited lecture for American Studies Department, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany.
2015 On the Scene: Doing Public Anthropology with Black Queer People in DC. Invited lecture for Social Justice Colloquium, American University.