A Brief Movie Review: The Adjustment Bureau

Grade: C+/B-




It was okay. Something like a cross between The Bourne Identity and The Matrix, but without guns.  It moved fairly quickly, but it was not the movie I expected after watching the previews. It was nice seeing a brother on screen, Anthony Mackie, but overall I could have not seen this movie in the theater and been fine with my life.

It’s a Netflix watch instantly film.

The Feminist In Me, or a reason for the C+/B-

Emily Blunt is just taken along for the ride, as you can see in the movie poster. In the film she’s portrayed as passive where Damon has the privilege and knowledge of the “Bureau” and can decide his own fate, and hers. I wasn’t really into that. It could have been a movie about both of them, but it was a movie about him.

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