Entries by The Doctor

A Brief Review: The Hunger Games

Grade: B-/C+ First Thoughts: Eh… I coulda had a V8. Comments: The movie ended up being a story of two star crossed lovers instead of an exciting psychological thriller about a 14 year old girl who outwits an oppressive regime whose sadistic “Hunger Games” are meant to torture a population into submission. The film was […]

Conscious Culture Eater Crossword: The Game of Hunger

March 18th, 2012 Have you seen people on the train or at work reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins? With its themes of exploitation, revolution, and survival, it makes for an exciting and compelling epic about a young woman discovering the courage to overthrow an exploitative government.  Go grab your copy of The Hunger Games and […]

Courage Has No Color: A Brief Review of Red Tails

I thought that the film was decent. It moved along, had a nice rhythm to it. I enjoyed the action. The acting was mostly good though I might have cast someone else other than Ne-Yo. I wanted to be more compelled by the relationships that he set up between the characters, but I definitely left the theater with a lot questions, that I hope might get answered in the next installment.

Open Letter to Gene Marks

11 January 2012 An open letter from guest contributor: Ashante Reese Mr. Marks, As an anthropologist and an educator who taught middle school in inner city Atlanta, I am writing because I am deeply concerned about issues of social justice. Your recent article, “If I Were a Poor Black Kid” has received many comments and […]

A Very Brief Review: In Time…

Grade: A First Thoughts: Wow, that was refreshing and well written. Comments: Justin Timberlake actually did a decent job acting.  And as a lightweight-action hero, he was surprisingly convincing.  A movie that the #Occupiers will love. A Hollywood Critique of Capitalism? The most honest and non-subtle critique of capitalism I’ve seen since the 90s, the dystopia […]